Improve Computer Performance With Windows XP Disable the File Indexing

Improve Computer Performance With Windows XP Disable the File Indexing
File Indexing facility is useful so that you can perform file searches more quickly, in a way to index the contents of files in the folder / drive specified. However, this index will take quite a lot of space on the hard drive and Windows XP as well as indexing process, then the process of another program would be too affected (slowed). So if you disable this feature, then the performance (speed) your computer will be increased. But if you really are doing a file search, then you should not need to be done this way.

As for how to disable File Indexing on Windows XP are as follows:

- Open Windows Explorer (press the Windows key + E)

- Right-click on the C drive, and select Properties.

- In the Properties dialog box, uncheck the cekbox Allow Indexing Service to index this disk for fast file searching.

Meningkatkan Performa Komputer Dengan Menonaktifkan File Indexing Windows XP

- Press the OK button. Then restart the computer.

You may disable them on another drive (d, e, f, ...).
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