Cara SUPER Ampuh Meningkatkan traffic Pengunjung Blog Terbaru dan Terupdate

Cara SUPER Ampuh Meningkatkan traffic Pengunjung Blog Terbaru dan Terupdate
Sejak pertama kali jatuh hati dengan blog, sama-sekali ga kepikir agar nih blog di kunjungin banyak orang, dapet rangking baik, ataupun terpampang gambar trophy. yup, sejak awal tujuan utama ngeblog adalah cuma untuk menumpahkan “sampah dalam otak”, sekaligus memberi pelajaran kepada jari-jari tangan gua, supaya insaf dari kebiasan buruknya terbenam dalam hidung. he he he :D
Trus kenapa tiba-tiba lu mosting soal Cara Super Gila Meningkatkan traffic Pengunjung Blog?.. Gua coba jawab sekenanya.. Menurut gua berbagi itu tak hanya sekedar indah, tapi juga bermkna dan -mudah-mudahan- bermafaat, So, Tujuan utama postingan ini untuk berbagi info kepada sobat Blogger,  barangkali ada sobat blogger yang membutuhkan info seperti ini. Toh ga ada yang salah dengan isi dalam postingan ini.
Naif banget kalo gua bilang ga pengen blog gua di kunjungin. Walau pada dasarnya hanya untuk sekedar iseng, nyatanya memang sangat menyenangkan hati, ketika blog kita di kunjungi banyak orang. Dan gua rasa banyak bloger yang juga menginginkan blognya sering-sering di kunjungi. Makanya gua coba berbagi dengan mengcopas dari blog sahabat berkaitan dengan cara Meningkatkan traffic Pengunjung. . Bagaimana caranya, penasaran?

Trik ini diambil berdasarkan pada pengalaman kawan-kawan saya mengenai berbagai cara untuk meningkatkan Page Rank. Bagaimana cara cepat meningkatkan Page Rank di Google? Salah satu cara tercepat untuk meningkatkan Page Rank di Google pada postingan ini adalah dengan mengadopsi sistem pemasaran yang menggunakan model Multi Level Marketing. Sistem pemasaran ini, memiliki kelebihan dalam kecepatan distribusi.
Melalui posting ini saya mengajak anda semua untuk mengambil keuntungan dari kecepatan penyebaran sistem ini dalam bentuk backlink.
Caranya mudah, Yang harus anda lakukan adalah dengan meletakkan link-link berikut di blog ataupun di artikel anda.
1. Gallery Minimalis Design
2. Kerajinan Tangan Indonesia
3. Panduan Lengkap Belajar Photoshop
4. Download Ribuan Software Terpopular
5. Tips Seputar Kesehatan dan Perempuan
6. Tips Kesehatan Tubuh
7. Download Gratis Tema Visual Style Windows 7 / Windows 8
8. Tempat Download APlikasi dan Driver
9. Mainkan Game Flash Keren Secara Online
10. Panduan Mudah Cara Membuat Blog
Tapi ingat, sebelum anda meletakkan link diatas, kamu harus menghapus peserta nomor 1 dari daftar. Sehingga semua peserta naik 1 level. Yang tadinya nomor 2 jadi nomor 1, nomor 3 jadi 2, dst. Kemudian masukkan link anda sendiri di bagian paling bawah (nomor 10).
Jika tiap peserta mampu mengajak 5 orang saja, maka jumlah backlink yang akan didapat adalah:
Ketika posisi anda 10, jumlah backlink = 1
Posisi 9, jml backlink = 5
Posisi 8, jml backlink = 25
Posisi 7, jml backlink = 125
Posisi 6, jml backlink = 625
Posisi 5, jml backlink = 3,125
Posisi 4, jml backlink = 15,625
Posisi 3, jml backlink = 78,125
Posisi 2, jml backlink = 390,625
Posisi 1, jml backlink = 1,953,125
Dan semuanya menggunakan kata kunci yang anda inginkan. Dari sisi SEO anda sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 backlink dan efek sampingnya jika pengunjung web para downline anda mengklik link itu, juga membuat ngeblog anda mendapatkan traffik tambahan.
Nah, silahkan copy paste artikel ini, dan hilangkan peserta nomor 1 lalu tambahkan link blog/website anda di posisi 10. Ingat, anda harus mulai dari posisi 10 agar hasilnya maksimal. Karena jika anda tiba2 di posisi 1, maka link anda akan hilang begitu ada yang masuk ke posisi 10.
Saya yakin dalam waktu yang singkat, Pagerank blog anda pasti langsung naik drastis di luar dugaan anda. Selamat mencoba trik rahasia ini!
Bagaimana ? apa sobat semua berkenan? kalau iya copas aja! terus sarankan ke teman yang lain supaya terus menyebar!
Tugasnya gampang koq! copas trik ini lalu sarankan ke teman yang lain begitu pula seterusnya!
laporkan bila ada link yang rusak…

PDF Redirect: Combine PDF Files You Become One

PDF Redirect: Combine PDF Files You Become One
Uncomfortable, when we saw a lot of our files scattered on the hard disk of our computer. Looks very neat when the files were lined with the same file type but contain things that are interconnected. For example, as a PDF file (Portable Document Format), which contains about writing a novel. PDF episode 1, episode 2, and so on. Will be easier when we read episode 1 episode 2 go directly to the file without having to open a different document.

Maybe you can do it manually merge several PDF files that episode, but it would be more simple if you try this software is freeware, ie PDF Redirect.This software is used to merge multiple PDF files (not specified how much) into one file.

So you do not have to bother anymore to open file further documents to be able to enjoy reading or whatever in your PDF connect to each other. It definitely saves you time. To be able menggukan this file combiner software, you can follow these simple steps below (click image to enlarge):
  • Download PDF redirect advance ( There will be 2 options, it's up to you whether you will choose Freeware or Professional. Here I use the Freeware version v2.5.2
Unduh Software PDF reDirect
Download Software
Unduh Software Melalui CNet
Download Software Via CNet
  • Once finished downloading, install the software as usual, next-I agree, and finish.
  • When finished, run the PDF Redirect.
  • To be able to unify multiple PDF files, find the place where the PDF files you will be one. Then the block, and press the Add button on the MergeSelected List, as shown below:
Pilih file-file PDF anda
Choose your PDF Files
  • Then you can add a password to a PDF generated (1), then you can set the order of your PDF file (2), and then you just need to do a Save for your combined PDF document (3).
Simpan PDF Gabungan
Save PDF Combined Results
  • Shortly after you hit Save, you will see the storage process. Joint PDF you will be automatically saved in PDF-PDF directory combined.
You can fiddling with the software useful and you can find features that are not mentioned here. Surely these features useful for its users. Good luck and hopefully successful and rewarding.

Creating a System Restore Point In Windows 7

Creating a System Restore Point In Windows 7
System Restore Point function to restore your computer to a state where you make the system restore. Restore is used when the computer is in trouble. For example, your computer can boot either, but can not get into windows / not display the desktop. Whereas before your computer is fine, but once you're fiddling with something on your computer, you get the problem. This is where the usefulness of making a system restore point, I think it's important to do.How to create a System Restore Point you are in a way like this. Follow the easy steps below (click image to enlarge):
  • Go to the Properties of My Computer, as shown below.
Masuk ke Properties dari My Computer
Go to Computer Properties
  • Go to the menu System Protection.
Masuk Menu System Protection
System protection entered
  • Select Local Disk (C :) (System), where your windows is installed. Then click the Create button.
Buat Restore Point
Create a Restore Point its
  • Give a description for the restore point that you created, such as there is in the picture. Click Create.
Berikan deskripsi untuk restore point anda
Give a description for the Restore Point
  • Windows will create a Restore Point you, wait until the loading is complete. When finished, click Close.
Loading Create System Restore Point
Create System Restore Point loading

Restore Point telah dibuat
Restore Point has been created
  • Completed
If you find a problem in the future and are desperate, examples of such problems that I have outlined above, using the restore point is to insert a CD / DVD / hard drive / flash your windows installation when booting and select System Restore. Choose a restore point.
Good luck and hopefully useful.

Submit Blog Sitemap to Bing (Yahoo)

Submit a sitemap is an activity that is so important, because it is accelerating how a URL in the index and how search engines recognize blogs that we manage. If the reader has to submit a sitemap to google , then it may submit a sitemap to Bing will also be more helpful articles indexed faster in the search engine Bing or Yahoo. Due to submit a sitemap to Bing, that is at once submit to Yahoo.

Submit Blog Sitemap to Bing (Yahoo)
To do that, the reader can follow these simple steps:
  1. Login to your account microsoft reader has (
  2. Sign in to Bing Webmaster Tools in
  3. Then fill in the URL of the blog readers in the box menu Add a site.
  4. Click the ADD. And fill in the forms as requested.
add a site
add site
Fill sitemap with the following URL: / atom.xml? redirect = false & start-index = 1 & max-results = 500
or simply by / atom.xml
For the domain blogspot blogger can also use the following URL: 
http:// your blog / sitemap.xml? redirect = false & start-index = 1 & max-results = 500
or simply by
http:// your blog / sitemap.xml
Replace the words with the red color to be on the blog URL submit sitemap.Furthermore the reader will be required to verify ownership of the blog in question. I usually choose the second option which is to include meta tags before <head> code in html code blog.

It's easy for users blogger.

  1. Sign in to, and then select the blog in question.
  2. Go to the menu template. Then click the Edit HTML.
  3. Put meta tag after the code <head>
  4. Back to bing webmaster tools page, and then click VERIFY.
  5. Completed.
Edit HTML blog
Typically pending status, will probably need a few days to be indexed. So the discussion of how to submit blog sitemap to Bing (Yahoo). Good luck and hopefully useful.

Stardock Decor8: Change Windows 8 Start Screen Background you with your choice Picture

Stardock Decor8: Change Windows 8 Start Screen Background you with your choice Picture
PC display can sometimes be a problem for some people. However, for me the PC display is not very important influence is performasi PC. For those of you who use Windows 8, you surely know that the bacground Start Screen in Windows 8 we can not change the will of our own. Windows already provides selected images to be background on the Windows 8 start screen.

For those of you who really want to replace it, you can use the help of Decor8 Stardock software. With this software notes paid, I was practicing in a state trial. By using this software you can change the backgroun start screen with the image of your choice on your computer. In order to do so, you can follow the steps as follows (click the image to enlarge):

  • Download Stardock Decor8 advance, you can download it here(
  • Then you will get the installation file. Install as usual on your computer.You will find it running automatically when the installation is complete.This software is installed on a computer with the name Decor8.
  • After apilkasi running, you will be given the option to use the application for trial or to buy the application. As of this writing the price is $ 4.99, approximately less than Rp 50,000, -
  • I chose trial. When an application is open, on the Background tab, clickSelect Folder ..., in the window that appears click Add ..., then select the folder where you put the image you want as a background on your Start Screen. Then click OK.
Pilih Folder Anda
Select your Folder
  • You will find a warning from Windows. Due to the Windows setting is in this case no. Click Yes.
    Note: The author is not responsible for things that could occur due to this Decor8 software.
Klik Yes untuk melanjutkan
Click Yes to continue
  • You will be returned to the Select Folder window. Uncheck the default directory above three folders that you selected earlier, so that only the image that is in your folder that appears in the picture choice. Then, clickClose.
Klik Close
Click the Close
  • Choose an image of your choice. If you select more than one click image while pressing the Ctrl (Control). You can set your image, click next to the Tick Enable to edit display your image. And click Check next to theShuffle to activate the shuffle mode image transition (if more than one).You can also set the time change images. Click the sign of the cross in the upper-right corner when you are finished.
Tambahkan gambar-gambar pilihan anda
Add pictures of your choice
Hasil Software Decor8 di PC Penulis
Decor8 results on PC Software Authors
The final decision is on you. Please you try it if you want. Amazing is notDecor8 this software? Good luck and good luck.

Rows And Columns Semat way in Microsoft Excel 2007

Rows And Columns Semat way in Microsoft Excel 2007
Some time ago I was baffled by the features of Microsoft Excel 2007 on peg rows and columns. Getting an excel file but when discroll down some lines that do not move when discroll. Similarly, when scrolling to the side, there are some fields that are not part moves.

Looking for how to with some key words in google, still could not find how to do that. And after all this time I accidentally found its name, which is called Freeze Panes. The feature is located in the View menu in excel.

How it Works Freeze Panes

By using the freeze panes feature, we can embed the column, row, or column and row. Usually this is done for a table, for example, the table value.
Because so length down or to the side, when we look at the contents of the table at the bottom or side and is far from the name of the column or row, we forget the actual value is the value of what we read. So we need more pages to scroll up or to the side.

With the freeze panes, we can embed the value of the name for example row, or column name of students. So we do not need to scroll back to the top or to the side early. From what I said above that the freeze panes can be sewed only columns, only rows, or rows and columns.

Freeze Panes menu

Freeze panes has three menus,
  1. Freeze Panes
  2. Freeze Top Row
  3. Freeze First Column
Menu Freeze Panes
Freeze Panes
Hasil Menu Freeze Panes
Freeze Panes results
The second picture is the view when discroll sideways and down, then there are two lines that do not participate discroll and one column that does not come discroll.
The first menu is the menu freeze panes. The menu is very concerned at all with the current cell. In the picture above the active cell is cell B3. If we clickFreeze Panes menu that will be embeddable is the previous column (Cell A1-A2, B1-B2, C1-C2,   and so on) and the previous row (Cell A1, A2, A3,   and so on) as indicated by the second picture.

The second menu is Freeze Top Row. From his words we can know that the menu sewed the first row in excel (Cell A1, B1, C1, and so on).
The third menu is Freeze First Column. This menu sewed the first column of the excel worksheet (Cell A1, A2, A3, ... and so on).

CamStudio Settings For Results Not Broken-Broken Video

If previously we've discussed how to how to download and use CamStudio , it is time how to use CamStudio video results not to be broken . 

For those who still lay with a desktop recording software like me, some may feel confused and assessing that CamStudio application is an application-Abal Abal because he was open source. The default video results using CamStudio is ugly. The video's broken and not like a clear and smooth video.

The first time I was looking for how to, fiddling with the settings turned parts I found what could be a good result without halting. But then I am also confused, file size larger than the default video exceptional. While I've seen the results of desktop video recording along approximately 30 minutes with a file size of approximately 60 MB of good results.

I record the activity of only about 1 minute alone has reached dozens of MB.Also confused how. But eventually I found a way, by converting the video file types to MP4 format using the application factory.

Setting Video CamStudio

Immediately, how to set the video quality to be more in CamStudio.
  1. Open CamStudio, then on the menu Options> Video Options ...
  2. In the settings, set Quality of 90 or more.
  3. At the Max Framerate setting for 250 frames / second.
Actually here is in setting the frame that makes the broken video. Captured frames are too little to the default settings, the video finally broken. As for the quality of the video is how the quality of which will be generated, the result is clear or opaque.
setting video options
go to video options
setting video default camstudio
The default video settings
Setting custom video camstudio
Setting custom
After setting the above, live recording and see the results instantly. Good luck and hopefully useful.

Download CamStudio And How To Use It

Download CamStudio And How To Use It
If the reader ever wondered how a person record of activities in a computer display to create an instance photoshop video tutorial or other tutorials then the answer is to use a desktop recording software. Of the many desktop recording software, one of the most famous are CamStudio.

Camstudio is opensource based, free or free. For those readers who are lovers of course free is very helpful. Not only that, I think this app is not inferior to the paid, because the results are also satisfactory.

Download CamStudio

To download this CamStudio application, readers can visit the following link. (2.7 MB)
It is the official website and 100% free.

Using CamStudio

If the application has been downloaded and then installed on the computer, it's time how to use the CamStudio. There are a few simple buttons on the display simple. Here's CamStudio view (click image to enlarge).
Tampilan CamStudio
Display CamStudio
There are three main buttons in CamStudio, the button to start recording, to pause while recording and stop recording button.
  1. Red round button is the record button to start recording your desktop.After starting recording, minimize CamStudio and this application will minimize to the system tray. Or we can use the menu automatically minimize.
  2. Buttons lined black line is the pause button. Button that allows you to pause the recording process.
  3. Square blue button is the stop recording button. Button to finish recording and producing video output extension. AVI (default).
  • If the reader does not want anymore to edit recordings have been completed, then the desktop to make it more natural recording, turn on menus mimimize program on start recording.
minimize program pada saat mulai merekam
Minmize program on start recording
  • Then to end, so no need to re-program CamStudio in the system tray, use the shortcut key F9 to stop recording. We can set a shortcut key in the menu Options> Program Options> Keyboard shortcuts ...
Setting keyboard Shortcuts (default) Camstudio
Keyboard Shortcuts (default)
That's about how simple to use CamStudio without editing the video again.Actually, we also can use the watermark, but so be it readers explore the menu at CamStudio so it will definitely be better understand themselves.

For those who want to try editing using windows movie maker for free directly from Microsoft, following the download link, (about 110 MB)
Good luck and hopefully useful.

Wi-Fi Proxy Setting On Android Phones

Wi-Fi Proxy Setting On Android Phones
For those who do not know how to set a proxy for a wi-fi on android phones, of course, completely adorable. Though the menu can be found easily in the settings menu in android. Wi-Fi there is also that privacy by using a proxy. So that when other people who go into the wi-fi network, can not be used in arbitrary aka free.

Like my case in a Telkom office where my friend worked. Incidentally we work in the same field but different companies. When connecting my android phone and start surfing was not able to connect to the internet. That's because I have not proxy input.

Once here and there in the android settings, I found it and it's actually very simple but enough to make me overwhelmed. Here are the steps for setting proxy in android phone.
  1. Go into the Settings menu.
  2. Choose Wireless and networks.
  3. Then select the Wi-Fi settings. In this section, press the Menu button on the phone. Then we will get the Scan menu and Advanced.
  4. Select the Advanced menu.
  5. In the menu you might find the menu Proxy and Port. Enter the proxy and its port.
Not so easy. It's just that if we do not know, would be very inconvenient to find the menu. So alone, may be useful.
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