Creating a System Restore Point In Windows 7

Creating a System Restore Point In Windows 7
System Restore Point function to restore your computer to a state where you make the system restore. Restore is used when the computer is in trouble. For example, your computer can boot either, but can not get into windows / not display the desktop. Whereas before your computer is fine, but once you're fiddling with something on your computer, you get the problem. This is where the usefulness of making a system restore point, I think it's important to do.How to create a System Restore Point you are in a way like this. Follow the easy steps below (click image to enlarge):
  • Go to the Properties of My Computer, as shown below.
Masuk ke Properties dari My Computer
Go to Computer Properties
  • Go to the menu System Protection.
Masuk Menu System Protection
System protection entered
  • Select Local Disk (C :) (System), where your windows is installed. Then click the Create button.
Buat Restore Point
Create a Restore Point its
  • Give a description for the restore point that you created, such as there is in the picture. Click Create.
Berikan deskripsi untuk restore point anda
Give a description for the Restore Point
  • Windows will create a Restore Point you, wait until the loading is complete. When finished, click Close.
Loading Create System Restore Point
Create System Restore Point loading

Restore Point telah dibuat
Restore Point has been created
  • Completed
If you find a problem in the future and are desperate, examples of such problems that I have outlined above, using the restore point is to insert a CD / DVD / hard drive / flash your windows installation when booting and select System Restore. Choose a restore point.
Good luck and hopefully useful.
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