User Account Control or UAC is one of the abbreviated new features in Windows Vista that helps to protect your computer from system changes that could affect the operations or the workings of Windows . This feature has been activated by itself ( default ) when Windows Vista is installed . How this feature works is by blocking the user who will be making changes to the system . This often happens when the user wants to install an application program , then UAC will display a message asking the administrator password before continuing the installation , UAC usually even directly block the installation program .
When viewed from the function , then this feature is especially good for keeping Windows is running fine and safe . But what if you only own a computer or use your 'm sure others who use your computer will not do weird on your computer ? Surely the UAC feature is not really necessary even quite inconvenient because every time meinginstall application , we are always blocked by UAC . Here's how to enable and disable the UAC feature .
- Run the program Control Panel . ( Click the Start button > Control Panel ) .
- In the Control Panel , click User Accounts and Family Safety > User Accounts.
- Click on Turn User Account Control on or off.
- To enable UAC, check (click) the option Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer. In contrast to uncheck disable them.
- Click the OK button. In the dialog box that appears, click the Restart Now button to restart the computer right away. Or click Restart Later button if you do not want to restart the computer. Changes will look after you restart or turn the computer back on.
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