How to Stop a sript VBS

VBS stands for Visual Basic Scripting Edition, is a programming language developed by Microsoft which is a scripting language derived from Visual Basic programming language. 

You may often find this vbs file extension (*. Vbs), or you may have to mess with notepad and save the file in vbs extension, or you've dijaili friends , which causes the computer to workabnormally after running this vbs file with extension . 

To stop, or exit the program vbs no exit its menu (no menu discharge), the easiest is with how to restart the computer. 

But there is a way that is easier, faster and more convenient without having to restart the computer, is a way to stop it viaTask Manager. 

Open Task Manager (press Ctrl + Alt + Del keyssimultaneously) and select Start Task Manager 
Task Manager window will appear, select the Processes tab. 

How to Stop a sript VBS
Find wscript.exe, if you have found, highlight / select and then click the End Process button. 

May be useful. 
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